Respireco is the name of a group of innovative devices for ductless ventilation with high-efficiency heat recovery.
Respireco is also the name of a new company created as a result of the dynamic development of the ventilation equipment department in the company Stropex, which has been on the market since 1991, the national leader in the production of energy-saving solutions in the building materials sector, including the energy-saving EMO window installation system. The Respireco project – a solution to the common problem of deteriorating ventilation efficiency in buildings with airtight windows, which, in addition, has been installed in the super airtight EMO system. The Repireco project, initiated by research and development phase and moved further to the commercial phase at Stropex, has been handed over to Respireco as a result of a decision of the company’s authorities, anticipating further dynamic development, in response to the growing demand for innovative, ductless ventilation systems, both on the part of designers and users of buildings.
Clean air means a clear mind and better learning results.
Studies* show that effective ventilation means not only savings on heating, but also better well-being and concentration as well as the ability to absorb knowledge.
Too much CO₂ in a class increases distraction and drowsiness. International studies show that CO₂ levels in schools are too high*. Respireco regenerators care for the quality of the air that our children breathe at school.
* The results of the InAirQ Project, aimed at assessing the health risk of people exposed to indoor air pollution (i.e. children aged 6 to 14) and taking measures to improve the indoor environment in school buildings in Central Europe.
Cold recovery in the summer
Good ventilation, apart from fresh air, should give occupants a comfortable temperature in the whole house.
Respireco is an innovative ventilation system that consists of many reversible ventilators.
Respireco prevents overheating of building interior during summer heats.
Reversive devices Respireco, in the course of ventilation imitating respiration,
recovers cool collected in a good isolated house.
Fire limiting function
The unique function of the Respireco ventilation system is to detect and limit a fire in its initial phase to a single room.
Thanks to the fire detectors integrated with the Respireco system, it is possible to locate a fire room in its initial phase, activate an audible alarm throughout the building and notify the emergency services.
The fire suppression function works by maintaining a negative pressure in the fire room and an overpressure in other rooms. The solution also allows for fire suppression, while maintaining clean and transparent air in the building volume not affected by the fire, enabling safe evacuation of people.
Polish innovation.
Respireco is a complete ventilation and air regeneration system based on Polish invention*. As the only one in the world, it allows to change the direction of air flow without having to stop or reverse the fan draft. As a result, Respireco devices have half the power consumption of alternative solutions.
* Protected by an international patent.
System operation.
The Respireco ventilation system consists of the recommended two regenerators per class, which breathe like humans. Each device cyclically switches from the supply to exhaust phase. The system ensures effective air exchange thanks to the use of long-range ventilators. Respireco regenerators communicate with each other and thus can coordinate their work to ensure a sufficiently low CO₂ concentration in the room.
While it is nicely warm in the classroom (+22 °C) and it is freezing outside, fresh air flows into the room at a temperature of +21 °C, which is only a degree cooler than outside. This is due to heat recovery with an efficiency of 97%. This means in this case that the Respireco system heats the frosty, fresh air “for free” from -20 °C to +21 °C.
Best F9 filters.
According to WHO research, pollutants with a diameter of 2.5 microns (PM2.5) freely penetrate the pulmonary barrier and enter the circulatory system. Chronic exposure to them contributes to the risk of developing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as lung cancer. According to the ESCAPE test results, in the case of PM2.5 pollutants, each increase in dust density by 5 µg/m³ increases the risk of death by natural causes by as much as 7%.
The Respireco system uses anti pollution F9 filters. Filters of this type retain more than 95% of pollutants with a diameter of 1 micron*, which is significantly smaller than PM2.5. They are standard in Respireco regenerators. They capture pollen, fungal spores, air pollution and bacteria very well. They also protect against aerosols, which, according to ECDC **, are responsible for the transmission of viruses, including COVID-19 virus.
* PN EN 779:2012 standard
** European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Technical test laboratory.
For the purposes of conducting technical tests on Respireco devices, we have built, among others, a laboratory where, in order to test the device efficiency, we produce extremely low and high temperatures, from Siberian -30 °C to Dubai +50 °C.
Thanks to many years of experience in creating solutions for family housing and public buildings, we know very well how important it is to obtain high efficiency of the heat exchanger so that the temperature generated inside is not wasted and does not “run away” from the building. At the same time, we also know how important it is to provide the rooms with a constant supply of fresh air, so that the people inside can live and work in a healthy and comfortable way.
Respireco solves both of these problems by providing an inflow of fresh air from outside while maintaining a 97% efficiency in heat recovery.
Respireco is a ductless ventilation.
Examples of problems with contamination of ventilation ducts:
The advantage of ductless ventilation is the elimination of the need for constant cleaning of chimney and ventilation ducts.
Traditional duct ventilation systems quickly become polluted and, without ad hoc, periodic cleaning, become a habitat of microorganisms, dust and many dangerous pathogens.
Get to know the details of the technical specification of the device.
Unlimited freedom of design
Respireco fits anywhere, even when the designer, conservator-restorer and contractor throw up their hands:
• when there is no space for ventilation ducts, Respireco does not require ducts and can be connected to any opening in the wall, door or window
• when there is no time for installation work, the Respireco system is installed in a few hours without interrupting school education
• when there are no people to install the device, Respireco will be installed by any engineer or fitter
• when it is not possible to make openings in Respireco facades, you can connect them to the existing gravity ducts or mount the air intake in the window.
Respireco gives architects unlimited freedom both in designing new buildings and giving new functions to old and historic buildings.
Respireco installation examples.
Our product has been tested in detail since 2019 by the Institute of Heat Engineering in Warsaw.
Download reports and results of ITC technical tests in the downloadable documents tab.
The installation of Respireco devices at school can be implemented directly through the window, which avoids heavy construction works. This solution also allows to shorten the assembly time. Examples of installations function efficiently, among others in Primary School No. 2 for them. Królowej Jadwigi in Pleszew.
Check the details on how to assemble the device.
For the first time, the Respireco system was installed at Primary School no. 2 in Pleszew, and the ITC carried out detailed technical tests. The main assumption of the research was to improve the air quality inside the room in which the children learn by ensuring effective ventilation and maintaining the parameters of indoor air that meets the conditions of thermal comfort, taking into account the requirements for educational institutions (maintaining the temperature inside the room above 18 °C, and the content of carbon dioxide below 1000 ppm. ).
Download the report from the school research carried out by the ITC.